
The DIRECTV Mobile and Tablet App

The DIRECTV Mobile and Tablet App allows the user to watch, search and record all of the entertainment anywhere you go. Stream live TV, or choose from a huge selection of shows and movies On Demand. You can use the app to set your DVR from anywhere. You can also search for whatever you want to watch using just your voice.

Role : UI / UX Designer


Series Page - Episode Page - Playlist

I was responsible for all the series page, episode page, Global Viewing History and the playlist. The DIRECTV app allows you to filter your episodes page by "Watch on Phone", "Watch on TV" and "All Episodes". You can then sort it by "Newest" or "Oldest", by "Season" or "TV Schedule" allowing you to narrow down you search and find exactly the episode you're looking to watch, stream, or record. The icons next to the episode title indicates if you can watch it on your phone, record it or if you can stream it. When you're navigating to your playlist and tapping on an episode a modal appears allowing you watch or record it directly or to "View all Episodes" to access the series page.

 The Global Viewing History concept is about providing the user with a possibility of Private Watching. With Private Watching turned on, the On Demand programs you watch on one device will not appear on other devices. Also, the On Demand programs you watch on other devices will not appear on the device you're activating it. Turning the Private Watching On, will clear your Recently Watched on Demand list.

